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[Project Manager] ^^^Senior Program Planner^^^

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Provide both on-going, mid-range tactical and long-range strategic level planning support and expertise for the identification and development of broad or moderately complex technical, scientific or other programmatic initiatives and objectives that require a comprehensive analysis of site or other functional capabilities. Analysis and plan development will typically involve extensive plans, forecasts and schedules as well as detailed, long-range budgets and resource estimates. Positions staffed at this level will typically address strategic initiatives with planning cycle times of one year or longer. Safety is a primary responsibility in each job performed. Obtain safety training, obey safety rules. and make safety an integral part of each task. Take the necessary steps to stop work if continuing the job is unsafe or will create an unsafe condition.

Duties may include:
• Plan, coordinate, and develop the Five-Year Plan, Annual Operating Plan, and other related
program cycle plans and documents. Long-range planning and document preparation may be
focused at the department, division or site program level. Prepare and present periodic written
reports, reviews, self-assessments, and presentations that address, track or status various
program management activities, milestones, schedules and objectives. Such reports are
considerably detailed and typically include a broad scope of financial, technical, or other
performance data and requires considerable time to prepare.
• Prepare detailed studies of specific or broad technical, scientific, or other programmatic issues
in response to program change requests from DOE or other customers or oversight agencies.
These issues, initiatives and objectives may be defined at the department, division, or site level,
and typically will be moderately complex in nature with a cycle time up to one year, but less
than 40 years.
• Develop or assist in developing integrated approaches or alternatives to moderately complex
program, project or other programmatic issues that may involve consideration of technical,
scientific, financial, and strategic planning issues which would impact SRS, the DOE Complex or other strategic national nuclear, environmental or energy initiatives. Serve on site-wide or
complex-wide task teams to develop, improve, and recommend integrated and enhanced
strategies and methodologies to both long-range program planning as well as approaches and
alternatives to a variety of technical and scientific objectives and initiatives which can have long-
term future implications to DOE, national defense, nuclear safety and other environmental
issues and capabilities. May function as an expert consultant on a specific technical area that is
indirectly supported through the program planning function.

Education and Years of Experience:
Bachelor's degree in a quantitative field such as finance, economics, engineering or
management and at least 18-20 years of experience in project planning, program planning and
budgeting, in a specific subject, focus or discipline. Only in the most limited instances will a lesser level of formal education provide the necessary foundation of knowledge for success in the
position and serve as a suitable substitute or equivalent

A comprehensive knowledge of program / project planning practices and methodologies used for government or other large organization, and in support of a specific functional. area, or on a broader organizational basis at the strategic level is necessary. In depth understanding of
the specific functional area or broader organizational objectives being supported is required. Knowledge of specific DOE orders and guidelines along with a thorough understanding of and practical experience in the application of sound, generally accepted, long-range business planning principles is important.

Problem solving: Research information sources for data in support of technical, scientific or
financial/budget programmatic objectives, primarily from the standpoint of long-range planning.
Information may need to be obtained from multiple sources and may be somewhat difficult to obtain with the assurance of necessary reliability. Perform in-depth review and analysis of issues and concerns that could impact feasibility and implementation. Develop detailed, long-range plans involving both financial and resource data resulting from analysis performed. Identify and refine responses or feasible alternatives to programmatic requests from DOE and other customers. Customer requests and actual problem definition may be only broad to general at this level. Isolate and identify the primary nature of the problem. Break down the component elements of the problem versus the demonstrated symptomology through detailed and in-depth analysis and correctly focus on the underlying causal factors. Analysis may involve application of either advanced business principles or a limited amount of technical and scientific theory. Apply available background and expertise to identify solution options, which can be technical or business-oriented (or a combination), and recommend optimal choice supported by detailed information and data.

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