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[Electrician] Electrical Foreman

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NSC Skilled Trades is seeking an Experienced Electrical Foreman for a project in Birmingham starting 2/13

Pay: $40/hr with $120 per diem per day worked

Hours: 60+

Will be leading a team of 10 electricians. Must have experience working in a UPs or Fed EX facilities.

Provide and install one new 200A breaker in CDP for the new PDP.
Install one 200A PDP with five 30A breakers.
Wire new PDP auxiliaries to new MCP.
Install new MCP and provide power (480V) from new PDP (new MCP and new PDP will be placed next to each other).
Provide and install one 120V quad convenience outlet near the new MCP.
Provide and install two 480V 30A wall-mounted disconnects for Dockzilla container lifts (powered from new PDP).
Installer will also be required to provide power (480V) to the pump units once installed. Typically, this is just S/O cable from the new wall-mounted disconnect to the pump unit panel.
Install and provide power (480V) from new 200A PDP to ten VCPs with Meltric�s disconnects.
Install and provide power (480V) from new 200A PDP to four DCPDs with Meltric�s disconnects.

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