Announce! - Are you available now? Let recruiters know you're ready for your next gig.
The Black Book Announce! feature will allow you to immediately broadcast your availability for your next job to participating recruiters. Recruiters see your Announce! in real time and then immediately pull up your profile in Black Book to evaluate your qualifications for their posted positions.Black Book - Manage your online presence.
Black Book is a place for you to store your resume information on for our client recruiters to use when looking for workers to fill jobs. Use this as your landing page so you can easily indicate your current availability, save job searches, etc. Your Black Book profile will also be included in automatic resume searches when a job is posted by recruiters.Job Notify - Jobs in your trade sent directly to your inbox or text as soon as they're posted.
The Black Book Job Notify feature will allow you to receive immediate notification (via email or text message) of jobs matching your selected skill sets. With Job Notify, you are among the first to hear about new job postings.
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