Roadtechs.com Daily HotSheets (job emails)
Roadtechs.com Daily HotSheets - Jobs in your discipline emailed directly to you!
- See the video near the bottom of the page for complete instructions on using Hotsheets.
- Attention Outlook, Hotmail, MSN, Gmail, etc. users: Some email providers like Yahoo, Hotmail and Gmail are bouncing Roadtechs.com Hotsheets and you're not getting them. This is happening because
these email providers assume emails from lists like the Hotsheet lists are spam. If you want to sign-up using Yahoo, Hotmail, MSN, Outlook or Gmail, then you will need to make sure that roadtechs.com is
on your email safe senders list (whitelist). You can Google something like "whitelist Gmail" (use your email provider name) and get instructions on how to add us to your whitelist. If possible, add the
domain "roadtechs.com" to your whitelist. At a minimum, try to add the listname email address to your whitelist, something like "welders@roadtechs.com" (substitute the list name you are subscribing to for
- Hotsheets are only sent to subscribers who verify their email address via a validation email. Roadtechs.com
will never send unsolicited email. You may also want to have your email provider add us to the email white-list.
- HotSheet emails are sent out once a day, after 4PM Pacific time. They contain all jobs posted for the selected discipline in the previous 24 hours.
If no jobs were posted for the selected discipline in the previous 24 hours, then no HotSheet will be published for that day.
- The table below contains links to subscribe or unsubscribe to/from the Roadtechs HotSheets. Click on the join (subscribe) or leave (unsubscribe) link and
send a blank email to that address. You will be sent a confirmation email and you must reply to be added or removed from the list.
- Please note that by accessing the Roadtechs.com HotSheets, you agree to the Terms of Use, which govern your use of the Roadtechs.com Service.
- See the video near the bottom of the page for complete instructions on using Hotsheets.
- The table above contains links to subscribe or unsubscribe to/from the Roadtechs HotSheets. Click on the join (subscribe) or unsubscribe link and
send a blank email to that address. You will be sent a confirmation email and you must reply to be added or removed from the list.
- Attention Yahoo, Hotmail and Gmail users: Due to some overly-enthusiastic spam filters, Yahoo, Hotmail and Gmail are bouncing Roadtechs.com job emails.
There isn't anything we can do about it, we suspect that some previous users have marked our emails as spam instead of properly unsubscribing. If you sign-up using
Yahoo, Hotmail or Gmail and you're not getting the emails (either confirmation or the job emails), then you can either use an email account from another domain, or
take it up with Yahoo, Hotmail or Gmail.
- HotSheet emails are sent out once a day, after 4PM Pacific time. They contain all jobs posted for the selected discipline in the previous 24 hours.
If no jobs were posted for the selected discipline in the previous 24 hours, then no HotSheet will be published for that day.
- Some days you may not receive a HotSheet email, it just means that no jobs were posted for your selected discipline in the previous 24 hours.
- Please note that by accessing the Roadtechs.com HotSheets, you agree to the Terms of Use, which govern your use of the Roadtechs.com Service.
Job mail list service (HotSheets) is a means by which Roadtechs.com offers job posting feeds in email format to Roadtechs.com users. These Terms of Use
govern your use of the job mail list service. The use of the job mail list service is also subject to the terms and conditions of the
Roadtechs, LLC User Agreement, which governs the use of the Roadtechs.com website and
content.Use of Job Mail Lists:
Job mail list (HotSheets) is a free service offered by Roadtechs.com to individuals for private, non-commercial use. Any other uses are strictly
prohibited. You must use the Job mail list emails as provided by Roadtechs.com, and you may not edit or modify the text, content or links supplied by
Roadtechs.com retains all ownership and other rights in the job mail list (HotSheets) content, and any and all Roadtechs.com logos and trademarks used in connection with
the job mail list Service.
Right to Discontinue Job Mail List:
Commercial inquiries:
For information, please contact Roadtechs.com at
Roadtechs.com webmail.